
November 1, 2013, 12:21 pm
Filed under: Environment, Mind, Minimalism, Motivation, Poetry, Spirit, Writing | Tags: , , ,


Happy first of November! I’m praying this month brings moments of cozy clothing,  family togetherness and comfort food. Hot chocolate, pensive misty days and perhaps a first flurry. Most of all I’m praying wisdom, protection, love and pursuit of truth and the healing love of Jesus for all those who are seeking. God’s love never fails. ♥

I feel cozy already.

Thank God it’s Friday and we’re into November.

Simple poetry.
October 2, 2013, 9:12 pm
Filed under: Mind, Minimalism, Motivation, Poetry, Writing

Feels like a day for poetry
And uncertainty
Government unsure and stuck
Middle class still working
Compromising, muddling through
Making meetings and dealing with life
Simplicity is…
Not wanting it all
Knowing all things slide through your fingers
Blessed is he who holds on
Loosely, but doesn’t let go
I see so much frustration
A medley of problems across the nation
On the daily, folks juggling life
Sets of issues
Joys and problems
Simplicity is…
Knowing you don’t know
What your neighbor may be facing
Being lead by grace
Instead of money chasing
Simplicity is…
A dinner on the table.
Clean sheets.
A friend to confide in.
Giving more than you take
Speaking less
Listening more
No need to impress
Or pull down another
Holding your love in peace
The glow of contentment
is the simplest ease.

Somewhere along the Way…

Somewhere along the way

if you lose your sense of wonder

and the thrill of new beginnings

or an exciting dream to ponder…

Somewhere along the way

If you allow bitterness inside

or misery to ruminate,

and jealousy to hide…

Somewhere along the way

if your burdens grow so heavy

that your mind and soul drag

with infinite stresses as a bevy…

that threaten to break you

shape you and make you

define you, confine you

rewind you, design you

mistake you for worthless

assume you’re no good

If you find that your past

looms closer than it should

And you tell yourself you’ve done all that you could

And the pressure surmounting hits like a wave

And the darkness consumes like an unending cave

Breathe in and step back

Let Christ be the God a midst all your lack

He’ll fill in the spaces

He’ll bind up the wounds

soothing the places

hurt and unhealed

touching with love

a pain deep concealed.

With time and release…

Search Him and seek…

A heavenly peace

Shed for the weak.

Isaiah 40:29-31

29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.





the feeling of being tangled

pushed around beneath a wave

hitting unexpected

sand scraping elbows and thighs

hitting bottom


pulled by force above, beneath and around

grasping for the surface

you are

done with the deep turbulence underneath

panic setting in

the strength of push and pull

keeping you from breakthrough

separated from sweet oxygen

oppression keeping you from the gentle surface

the light of day

being kissed by rays and gentle breezes

where things are clear. evident. safe.

your eyes look up and the light seems so far

so dim beneath the awful droning chaos

the cruel relentless cycle of the water.

the attacks of waves

the roaring presence of inevitable nature.

the crushing, isolating pull.

you open your mouth to scream

and water rushes in

silencing attempts.

muffling your cry for freedom.

Thinking about all the troubles and strife of life this morning and praying for emotional healing for so many hearts and souls… This poem is just a metaphor. Walking toward the light at the end of the tunnel is a process. Knowing that truth and good always win is a daily exercise in faith. I flipped through my daily quote calendar and today’s words are: “What’s true of biology is also true of faith: If it isn’t growing, it’s probably dead.” It’s an unattributed quote and very interesting… and holy moly, it’s tough to believe that it’s July already! Sometimes I think “summer” should be renamed “time warp.”


For by the grace given me I say to every one of you:

Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought,

but rather think of yourself with sober judgment,

in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

Romans 12:3 




The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise,

as some understand slowness.

Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish,

but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9 


(Courtesy of Google images.)

the feet of a child trotting clumsily along the floor… falling, many times.

learning how to ride a bike.

recovering from brain injury.

learning a new language.

starting a new job.

beginning new relationships.

recovering from addictions.

changing careers.

learning to apologize, to listen and forgive.

learning to love.

learning to let go.

learning how to heal.

I thank God for His unfailing patience and love for humans today.

No matter how screwed up we are or get. He loves us and wants good for our lives.

Change is never easy.

J.C. Love Poem

They say staying in the present
Is like a gift
eliminating the past
Giving a lift.
So breathe deep and meditate
On the goodness within
But my goodness only exists
Because of Him.
My heart center is Christ
Beating in my chest
Moving in to clean up the mess
He threw down the other Gods
Trying to steal my rest
People persecuting my attempts
At peace and sanity
Through reciting the living Word
That brings sweet clarity
No substitution for truth
It either is or it isn’t
Can’t rationalize a lie
It either is or it isn’t
Perspective is subjective.
Let me reiterate
That He is the cornerstone
Of the foundation
On which we create
Try to do without
You only procrastinate.
But this truth resonates:
“I am the way, the truth
And the life.” Jesus states
He’s so willing to flip our scripts.
Why would we wait?

Some poetic thoughts on Christianity this morning from my journal.


Excerpt from “Becoming a Woman of Strength” by Cynthia Heald

An “Inner Peace” Award.

The SimplyEnjoy blog was acknowledged with this lovely WordPress award through Ajaytao 2010, who shares inspiring messages, quotes and photos daily, reminding us to appreciate the beauty and diversity in life. Thank you so much, again, for this lovely nod my way, Ajaytao 2010!

I’m going to pass this award on, as is the custom when it is received by one blogger from another.

So if you enjoy seeing the content of my page, I encourage you to check out the following three blogs that I am going to nominate. They have all frequented my page in the last month and I am so enjoying their fresh, truthful and important content.

1. God, Bipolar, Hope Sande writes about the diagnosis of bipolar disorder with lovely honesty and is writing from a Christian perspective of healing and sharing.

2. Everyone Loves Sex: So Why Wait? A blog devoted to the subject of sexuality and faithfulness. A great blossoming blog and worth a read, especially if you have children or are struggling in this area of your life.


I hope you all take a peak at these really great blogs and have a beautiful day!

“The man who radiates good cheer,

who makes life happier wherever he meets it,

is always a man of vision and faith.”

– Ella Wheeler Wilcox –

The only thing.

The concept that wisdom only comes with age and experience is like saying that basketball prowess comes through simple observation alone. Wisdom does come as we age, of course, and the odds of getting it increase with time, but it is actually achieved through the active process of seeking understanding and the application of the understanding – practicing discernment in our daily choices.

So seeking wisdom begets wisdom. Thirsting for understanding leads us in walking a careful and thoughtful path of curiosity and wonder in a relationship with God as we understand that we can learn, know and discover many things, but in the long-run – all knowledge and wisdom are His.

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.


(Images from my sketchbook 5/22)

Understanding is something that can be achieved at any age.

Wisdom is different than intelligence.

Wisdom (noun) – the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.

Intelligence (noun) –  capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.

So we see intelligence is the ability to grasp truth, but not the capability in seeking it and following it justly. Smart people may see the “right” path plain as day, but not see following it as the “right” answer. Wise people will see the right path and choose it, knowing the cost, but knowing there is truly no other better alternative.


“Receive your day piece by piece from Him

who will remember always

when He gives you work to do,

that you need strength to do it.”

– Priscilla Maurice – 


Dear Lord,

Give us faith and wisdom in our walk with You. Help us to discern between Your voice and all the endless chatter that exists in the world. We know that your word is truth, light and redemption for the lost. We know your plans for us are for good. Your plans are to prosper us and not to harm us. God, we ask for wisdom to stay on the path with you.


Better than a hallelujah.

“It is good for us to think

no grace or blessing is truly ours

till we are aware

that God has blessed

someone else with it through us.”

– Phillips Brooks – 

Psalm 51:16-18

New International Version (NIV)

16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise.

Inspiration station.




Snippets of inspiration from my “workshop.”

How do you stay inspired?

Before the quote memes and instagram glittered social media and before the “share” button for immediate thoughtful musings waited for you at the tap of a finger, my Grandfather was quoting Shakespeare, Pilgrim’s Progress and scripture over family cookouts. During pie in the living room. In the midst of gathering, these brief pieces of art hit my ears and stayed in my heart. It felt like the whole universe was tucked into those apostrophe enclosed phrases. The hidden sweetness of each syllable and the wisdom in the giving was what I felt.

Sometimes a good quote captures more meaning than the longest story could ever tell.

Want to share one of your favorites?

Leave it in the comments!

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